Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto Killed in Suicide Attack in Pakistan

Radical Islamo Facists claim another victim:

While I may have not agreed with the socialistic politics of Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, I am deeply saddened and troubled by her untimely death. She was a woman ahead of her time in a barbaric Muslim world. She was the first woman leader in any Muslim country, and served as Prime Minister from1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996. Bhutto also was the daughter of the politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who was the leader of Pakistan from 1971 until 1977. She was educated at Harvard University and also studied philosophy, political science and economics at the University of Oxford. She was a woman much ahead of her time in a world dominated by a throwback 7th century sense of morality.

How long before the left wing media blames Musharraf instead of the radical Islamics who committed this atrocity? General Musharraf's government junta was trying to prevent situations like this from occurring. While many were critical of Musharrafs autocratic rule he offered the best solutions for the time being. Her killing will only bring more upheaval in the Mid-East world. Pakistan is a very fragile nuclear armed country. It is a hub of radical Islamic activity and many are intimidated by a person like Bhutto.

Radical ISLAMIC terrorists can feel the noose tightening, and they strike in desperation. I am grieved by the assassination Bhutto, along with all those who lost their lives during the attack. My eye's see this grievous destruction from the other side of the world, in the safety of a home with protection taken for granted. I can only imagine the anxiety, and anger, of Pakistan's people today. The uproar that is going to occur will be exactly what the perpetrators of this action want. I can hear the left, in America, crying, "It's all our fault!", and using this as a tool to get our presence out of the Middle East. The noose that tightens around their neck, as we fight the evil they permitted to grow, safe, and secure, on the other side of the world.

But those that are aware of the threat of Islamo fascists will see through the coming lies of the media. Make no mistake about it, this was a assassination in the name of Islam against a woman who represented liberal ideals of the West. Bhutto represented everything Islam is against. She was not veiled. She was secular. She was highly educated and represented a kind of feminism that American feminazis have forsaken in the name of political correctness.

Looking at this situation from a Western perspective, this assassination is equivalent to someone blowing up Hillary Clinton, or Margaret Thatcher. This is one of those days that will have a ripple effect for historical outcomes for quite a long time.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Allan Goreleoni Compares Sufferings of Holocaust Jews to an Iceberg

Mr. Goreleoni is in Bali, Indonesia this week promoting his doctrine of Apocalypse Now, Global Warming. While there, he stated that to deny Global Warming is akin to the pre WWII appeasement of Hitler. Last time I checked our history books, it was the liberal elites in Britain and the isolationist agenda of FDR that gave rise to Hitler, not the melting of the polar ice caps. What kind of sick twisted man has Gore become? He then went on to increase his alarmist rhetoric to a point of irrational nonsense. Gorelenoi compared a global warming denier to someone who would deny the existence of the Holocaust. How could one possibly compare the rise of Hitler and the Holocaust of the Jew to an iceberg?

Mr Goreleoni has presented the world with one of the the grandest lies of our time. He promulgates junk science and proclaims himself the global warming prophet. If Gore is so sure in his belief the world will reach of point of climactic cataclysm, why does he not debate this with "Global Warming Deniers"? The simple truth is that Gore does not debate. If Al is so sure of his science he should welcome debate, not try to minimize it.

How can one man have such a condescending, narcissistic and nihilistic attitude towards the world? What else can you expect from a man who proclaimed himself inventor of the Internet and a victim of an "unfair" election in 2000? Even if Goreleoni's theory is correct and humans have caused global warming, his theory would follow that we can stop global warming. This is further proof of how inflated this man's ego is. To stop the earth from going through it's natural cycle's of cold and warm periods is like saying we can stop continental shifting. His ego has reached a dangerous level and his anointment by the left wing media as savior of the world has gone to his head. If Mr. Goreleoni had his way, he would probably burn Global Warming heretics at the stake, if he could find a way to lower CO2 emissions.

Meteorologists cannot predict the weather in Minneapolis with any degree of reasonable accuracy out 2 to 3 days, but a politician backed by socialist scientists can predict with absolute certainty what will happen to the global climate and environment twenty plus years into the future. Makes sense to me!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell loves Dhimmitude

Jihadists invite Rosie O'Donnell to Mideast- This is what Post Modern Liberalism really is:

Muslim jihadist leaders interviewed for a new book were ecstatic about statements from television talk host Rosie O'Donnell about the war in Iraq and the global war on terror, agreeing with her outspoken views.
Some even invited her on a "fact finding mission" to the Middle East.

"I agree with what this O'Donnell says. ...We welcome Rosie O'Donnell to stay among us and to get to know the truth from being here, like many American peace activists are doing," said Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist organization.

Senakreh and other terror leaders were quoted about O'Donnell in the new book "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!," by author and WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein.

For one of the chapters of the book, Klein assembles a panoply of senior terrorist leaders and asks them to sound off about the views of high-profile liberals and conservatives.
The terrorists interviewed stated they had never heard of O'Donnell, a former host of ABC's "The View," who made regular headlines with her heated political battles against conservative-leaning co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Klein told the terrorists O'Donnell was a high profile television personality and read to them a series of her political statements, with which they mostly agreed....

"[She can report to Americans that] we are not in love with killing, we like peace, we are human beings, it is the occupation that obliges us to do what we do," Senakreh said.
Yes, you have no responsibility whatsoever for your own actions. Of course.

Cadillac Targets Saudi women with cars sporting rear-seat controls

What will they call them? The Sharia Cruiser? The Gilded Cage? "Car makers target Saudi women despite driving ban," from Reuters:

RIYADH - If Saudi Arabia ever lets women drive, it will be a windfall for the automobile industry which has already seen sales to women rise, executives said at a motor show this week.
Saudi Arabia, which imposes a strict version of Islamic law, is the only country in the world where women are banned from driving. Religious authorities say allowing women to drive would lead to gender-mixing and take women away from their role as child-rearers.
But industry figures at the Riyadh Motor Show 2008 this week said they are already reaping the benefits from women owning cars, even if they need chauffeurs to drive them. The economy is booming in Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter with a population of 24 million.
More and more Saudi women are buying cars and manufacturers are responding to the trend, said Ali Alshihri of Toyota 7203.T, citing the Camry, Aurion and Avalon as women’s favourites.
‘Older women and single mothers are the main buyers from our showrooms,’ he said, adding manufacturers are producing colours seen as more appealing to women such as pink and purple.
Car ownership by women rose 60 percent from 2003 to 2006, according to figures published by state oil firm Saudi Aramco this year. It said 75,522 women owned 120,334 vehicles by the end of 2006.
Some residents believe the rising sales could create more pressure on the authorities to sanction women driving.
King Abdullah has said such a change could happen when society is ready to accept it. The ban on women’s driving has been a hot topic of debate since the king came to power in 2005 promising reforms.
‘If women can drive, then the car industry will be booming,’ said a sales executive with a major car manufacturer.
‘There is increasing demand to buy cars, especially from working women. The women’s workforce in Saudi Arabia is becoming powerful and influential. You find business women everywhere and business geared towards women is growing rapidly.’
Wednesday, the last day of the four-day show, is reserved for ‘families’, as is Saudi custom—the only day when women are allowed to visit the exhibition.
An executive from Nissan 7201.SE said the Japanese firm would target Saudi women with its Infiniti model.
Yann Lassade of General Motors GM.N in Dubai said its new Cadillac was being marketed in Saudi Arabia for the first time with female buyers in mind—but not those who drive.
The Cadillac comes with special control mechanisms in the rear seat for everything but the steering wheel.
‘The new design is perfect for a chauffeur-driven car, with all the space and controls at the back seat,’ Lassade said.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lower Speeds=Lower CO2 emissions?

The crazed environmental left now believes lowering speed limits will somehow lower CO2 emissions. I believe that Minnesota already has too low speed limits. Who actually goes the speed limit anyways. You go with the flow of traffic whether that be 70-80 miles per hour or 10-20 miles per hour. Do you really think that lowering the speed limit will make any difference at all? Of course if you are a whacked out environmentalist you believe you have been anointed to mandate any ridiculous law necessary in order to save mother earth and throw us back to a pre-industrial era.

"It's something that can be done. You try to look for ways to do things that aren't extremely expensive," said Greg Langford, a member the advisory group,

Really? Because driving 10 MPR slower will really make all the difference! How delusional does one have to be do actually believe this garbage? How can you assume that all cars operate under same efficiency? It is insanity and delusional to think that it would be cost effective to compare a semi to a geo metro.

Global Cooling

While Sen. Boxer is voting in a global warming bill, snow is falling all around us. Experts are "prediciting" a much colder winter this year with record snowfalls and below average temps. So much for global warming!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Research says Divorce Bad for the Environment!?

The whacked out diluted left wing environmental hacks are back at it. They blame global warming on everything from circumcision rates in Africa to "increases" in Hurricanes.

But, wait! Let us add yet cause to global warming. "New research" has proclaimed that divorce is bad for the environment! So what would these environmental apostles have us do? Well we must live in communes! Or move in our mistress(ES) we left our wives for!

This throwback ideology is nothing short of bringing us back to an pre-industrial era where humans live in the dark, ride horses to work and eat eco-friendly, organic food that costs 4 times the amount of anything else and live in communes were we "Share".

NIE Report Successful in Dupping World Community About Danger of Iranian Nukes

I am utterly fascinated by this so called "intelligence report" regarding Iran's Nuclear weapons program. As stated in yesterdays blog I find it very interesting that the public is so quick to accept this report as being accurate. Last time I checked I thought the U.S intelligence community was not the most reliable of sources. But if this "intelligence" can be used to bash Bush and lower U.S. creditability throughout the world, then it becomes fair game.

Let it be known the intelligence reports, U.N. sanctions, and fiery rhetoric will not stop the Hitler of our time.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

MSM Looks for Anything to Appease a Nuclear Iran

In a desperate attempt to appease Iran and let it go ahead with its nuclear weapons program, the MSM is ironically using this intel report released by the loathed U.S intelligence community as ammunition against a preemptive strike by the U.S.

A recent intelligence report has been released stating that Iran ceased its nuclear weapons program back in 2003. This news provided a new lease on life for liberals and the MSM alike. They have jumped on the news with glee and a self congratulatory pat on the back. "I told you so! Iran is not developing nuclear weapons! They only seek peaceful nuclear energy!" Nevermind that they are one of the top oil producers in the world and have no need for nuclear power. Nevermind that they wish to establish the Caliph throughout the world. Nevermind that they fund terrorist activities the world around. Nevermind that they wish to push Israel into the Mediterranean. Nevermind they follow a throwback document that views the world through a 7th century lens.

Anybody with half a brain should be worried by the combination of elements coming together in Tehran: a radical, terror-sponsoring regime, convinced that it is operating under divine guidance, armed with nuclear weapons and equipped with a range of delivery systems including long-range missiles that can target major European cities thousands of miles away. Military experts in the west know that not only Israel would be in danger. Indeed, even from the Arab media it is evident that Iran's "nuclear programme" is perceived by the moderate Arab states as a threat to the security of the entire Middle East.

However, the left is under the illusion that if Iran says it stopped its nuclear weapons program, then it must be true! Now what I find especially fascinating is that the international Bush hating left is always quick to dismiss U.S intelligence as faulty or agenda driven, but when the intelligence is in favor of their appeasement agenda then it become legitimate. Since when should U.S intelligence be the foundation for international action against Iran? Does this not go against following the doctrine of US aggression? You see by the left recognizing this report they contradict their own beliefs and go against their own doctrine of Anti U.S imperalism.

But what is really new with post modern liberals? Theiraxis of evil consists of American racism, sexism and imperialism. Evil does not exist. It is all relevant in the eye of the beholder.

Since when is it the job of the U.S. to police the world, as the politically correct lib would say?

Defense minister, Ehud Barak rightfully has stated that, "It is possible that this is correct, but I do not think that it is our place to make assessments about US [policy]. It is our responsibility to ensure that the correct things are done. Constantly speaking about the Iranian threat, as we have done recently, is not the right thing to do… words do not stop missiles," Barak told Army Radio.

He went on to say, "There are differences in the assessments of different organizations in the world about this, and only time will tell who is right."

Barak is right, why the hell should Israel and the rest of the world base its own security on a U.S intelligence report?We all know how reliable these reports have been in the past.