Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Obama Invention

MSM creates Messianic figure, names him Barack Hussein Obama

I know everybody is talking about Obama and it might be a little cliché for me to blog about him, but I just had to share with you my insights on the media creation of Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama has had a quite a run lately. He has completely swept Clinton since Super Tuesday and the media has now proclaimed him the front runner for the Democratic nomination.
Front runner? I think that’s a little premature. Hillary’s new campaign manager needs to remind her that she will not be running against George W. Bush. I think she needs to focus more on her Democratic opponent who has gained quite a bit of momentum since “Super Tuesday.” I think if she takes Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania; she’ll have the edge again. But she will need a new strategy to overtake the Obama explosion.

This strategy should be to expose Obama’s inexperience. This man has done absolutely nothing in the Senate. He’s also missed 80% of Senate votes in the past two months. All he does is preach on college campuses to young kids, yet he wishes to unite everyone? He is rated the most liberal Senator and somehow this is not viewed as the potential to be just as divisive as the Bush administration has been? How exactly will he work with the other side when his policies are further to the left than the majority of Americans? I also have not seen Obama reach out to people who challenge his beliefs.

The Obama “movement” has reached occult status. He has amassed a huge following that seems to be transcending party lines. He has the ability to speak and instill hope and change (whatever that means) in the hearts and mind of the average American. But what the only thing the Obama campaign has become is the next American Idle series. I blame this infatuation with the MSM’s love for brainless sound bites and fashionable new trends. I blame this on the degenerates that our influencing our children. I blame this on the people who don't care if their society is invaded by Islamists. I blame this on the cancerous disease of political correctness. Obama is just the next pop star in a long line of them.

But I digress. It’s going to be very difficult for Hillary to expose Obama’s inexperience because she is indeed trying to convince a base that clearly does not understand the true roles and responsibilities of the President. When she’s tried to expose the rhetoric, it’s backfired. She really does have her work cut out for her. Even ironically so, she is up against the same type of campaign her husband ran in 1992. He promised the world to people just as Obama is doing, and the current average American has forgotten this.

On a more serious note, I would recommend to Obama the he start to think about facing McCain in the debates and having some substance behind his lofty rhetoric. All this change he talks about, what is he waiting for? He has a seat in the very place he calls broken. He could sponsor a bill right now (or could have in the past) that can begin the implementation process for his plans for America. Obama is so against the war in Iraq, and has repeatedly accused Hillary of “flip flopping” yet he didn’t show up to vote on a critical measure regarding a resolution that declared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite part of the Iranian military, a terrorist organization. Clinton voted for it, and he criticized her for it. He said “it would give President Bush a blank check to invade Iran.” If he felt so strongly about it, why didn’t he vote against it? The campaign does consume time, and it’s quite normal for them to miss some votes, but not 80% and not ones that are so critical to their message. The continuance of rhetoric with no substance or facts will not prevail in the end. That may inspire college kids who don’t know any better, but he has a lot of proving to do not only to his own party, but too many who continue to challenge his ideas.

The pandering by the Obama camp is relying on two things; the intellectual lowest common denominator and people’s emotions. I do realize that the vast majority of the sheeple in this country vote on emotions and what they feeeeeeel in their hearts. But if you apply Obamas socialist rhetoric to anything of economic importance, it is found to be devoid of any logic whatsoever.

In the end, I just have to “hope” that there are enough Americans who will see through the rhetoric and realize that true freedom and prosperity for all is achieved by getting big government out of the way. Obama is the best of the least right now. McCain has the power to expose the rhetoric because his base does NOT vote with their hearts. He also does well with independents, which will help with the swing states. If by some chance Obama does win, it will really be something to see when all of his supporters are let down. It will be a hard lesson, but a memorable one.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Charlatan Kerry Blames Tornados on Global Warming!

According to Kerry's brilliant deductive reasoning, cooling is now caused by warming. Huh?

Kerry appeared on MSNBC to discuss the global warming tornados:

“[I] don’t want to sort of leap into the larger meaning of, you know, inappropriately, but on the other hand, the weather service has told us we are going to have more and more intense storms,” Kerry said.

I do not want to say Tornados are related to global warming, but tornados are related to global warming! Tornados are a natural occurrence in weather Mr. Kerry. I believe they occur when a violently rotating column of air is in contact with a cumulus cloud base and the surface of the earth. Furthermore, the weather service cannot accurately predict the weather 3 days from now. Why should we believe that they can predict global climate change?

Mr. Kerry goes on to say that,

“And insurance companies are beginning to look at this issue and understand this is related to the intensity of storms that is related to the warming of the earth."

Insurance companies are in the business to make money and are the pinnacle of capitalism. If they see that the sheeple are buying into the global warming scare, they will tap into the green markets and their massive amount of subsides. Once this fade passes the insurance companies will move on to other money making ventures.

Kerry continues his environmentalist newspeak.....

"And so it goes to global warming and larger issues that we’re not paying attention to. The fact is the hurricanes are more intensive, the storms are more intensive and the rainfall is more intense at certain places at certain times and the weather patterns have changed.”

Moron, wake up. There is no global warming going on! It's 30 below here in MN. There have been record snow falls in Britain and China. Weather "experts" are predicting record lows this winter. There has not been one major hurricane since Katrina and rainfall is not more intense. Rainful is never measured on a consistent basis. It has always varied from year to year. What planet are you living on?

He also says, "Rainfall has been more intense at certain places at certain times and the weather patterns have changed. This makes absolutely no sense. Of course the weather is different at certain places at certain times; this is what we call the natural changing of seasons! The Earth has gone through thousands of periods of cooling and warming, but to say that this one is somehow different is a farce and a disgusting distortion of the facts.

We as humans have become so narcissistic and inflated with emotions that we now think we can reverse global weather patterns. I believe part of this increased level of narcissism stems from our dramatic technogolical advancements in the past 40 years. It is also due the do gooder mentality that has been peddled by the left for the past 60 years. We have become so conceded with our own desires and bloated with pseudo intelligence we now believe we can harness the power of mother nature! The Earth has existed for billions of years before us. It has seen periods of extreme cold and extreme warmth. If global warming really were as bad as the Leftist doomsayers insist it is, then no policy imaginable could "solve" it. Even in accordance to the logic of the greens' own numbers, no matter how much we sacrifice there would still be more to do. That makes global warming the bottomless well of excuses for the relentless growth of big government.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Barbaric Islamists Strike Again

Medieval Islamists Strike Again-Using Mentally Retarded Woman as Homicide Bombers!

The true face of fundamentalist Islam has shown its face to the world again. On clear and crisp winter day, two mentally handicapped women were used as homicide guinea pigs in a crowded Baghdad market. They were strapped with c4 and sent into an popular pet market filed with unsuspecting Iraqis. The bombs were then remote denonoted killing and maiming some 300 people. This is not the first time these Islamic vermin have used such horrific and barbaric tactics. In January 2005 insurgents used a disabled child in a suicide attack on Election Day. Police at the scene of the bombing said the child appeared to have Down syndrome.

Those in the West who refuse to confront the evil that is inherent in fundamentalist Islam need to be aware of what our enemy is capable of. Using handicapped woman as a means to kill innocent civilians makes me sick, as it should any normal human being save the socialist vermin. I almost threw up reading this story. How much more proof does the international left need in order to wake up! I wish I could puke my disgust on every socialist stuge alive. Anybody that could equate the so called, "evil" of America/Israel to this needs to have their head examined and then imprisoned.

This is unlike any other conflict we have fought in recent history. The Nazis, Soviets, Japanese were all evil and did horrible things to their own people but unlike this Islamic trash we are up against now, they at least valued their own lives. Islam values death and destruction and will use any means to achieve their goal of a geopolitical Islamic State. Those of you who may say, "Oh he is just a crazy right winger" I will laugh in your face when you are praying to Mecca, your woman is forced into a hijab and your homosexual brother has just been stoned to death. I could care less about you. Please continue stuffing your face with fast food while your watch CNN and think you actually know what’s going on in the world.

This war with Islam is simply a continuation of a conflict that has been raging since Muhammad got bored and tried to conquer the world with sword and submission. Yes, submission. After all what does Islam mean, but SUBMISSION! Submission to the will of Allah. Submission to Shira Law. Submission to Islam, the True Religion. Islam is Everything. Islam is the only Way. Wake up you left wing vermin! You all make me sick.