How many times will these self-serving, inflated politicians have to get together to finally realize Palestine does not care nor does it's cause warrant a state. Since when have Arabs ever been nationalistic? They are a conglomerate of tribes and kingdoms. The modern Middle East is a creation developed by Colonial Britain. The Palestinians are a invention, created out of Arab self loathing and a chance to bring back Arab greatness. Palestine was strategically developed in order to make the poor Arabs look like the victims of Israeli imperialist aggression. If you do not believe me, look at the willingness of other Arab nations to take in Palestinian refugees. Would you believe me when I say Israel takes in more Palestinian refugees then any other country in the world? Of course not. Because the MSM and Arab special interests suppress this truth in order to promulgate "Palestine" as the victim.
Palestine is an emotional dichotomy that appeals to both the ignorant liberal as well propagating Arab victim hood. As a result of being cloaked in the Marxist dialectic as well as being anti-American/Western, it has become a textbook cause worth supporting amongst liberal elites.
Apparently this cancerous disease of Palestinian Statehood has grown in the mind of Bush and Olmert as well.
These "peace summits" are nothing more then a chance for Bush to have a photo opp and to make himself look better in the public eye. If the Israelis continue on the path of appeasement and land reconciliation they will only bring about their own destruction. When will people realize that the Arab does not want a Israeli state to exist! They could care less about Palestine and a creation of its State. They care more about implementing Sharia Law and exterminating the guilt ridden liberal Jew.
The Israelis have been more the willing to work with the invention that is Palestine. They have given back settlements and tracks of land only to have them become staging grounds to launch rocket attacks back at Israel. They have freed hundreds of Palestinian militants only to be slapped in the face. They have given millions of aid to the Arabs of the pseudo nation of Palestine only to have this money used to blow up buses and kill school children in downtown Tel Aviv. Enough is enough. Israeli must begin to rid itself of this Jewish guilt and begin to build a stronger Israel. Bush, Rice, and Olmert only exist to appease the Arab militants and to feed their need for approval points.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Clinton Urges Whitehouse to Condemn Saudi Rape Verdict?!
So now that Ms. Hillary has spoken out against this despicable verdict handed down by the Saudi Courts, i.e Sharia Law the MSM has decided it must be a worthy news story. I suggest you read the article, but spend most of your time reading the comments left by people. Catch phrases such as, "this is just a radical sect of Islam, " that is doing this. Really? The countries of Saudi Arabia and Iran have a combined population of over 70 million people. These countries operate under a Sharia, or Islamic law court of "justice". I would not consider 70 million people as a radical sect. I would define this as a their system of justice and one that is promoted in hundreds of Koranic verses. Another popular point is the popular various interpretations of the doctrine of multiculturalism. "We consider the Saudi law regarding chaperoning women to be wrong. The rest of the world considers the U.S. death penalty laws to be wrong. Who are we to judge what is right for another culture or nation?" Are you serious? Since when are psychopathic killers and child molesting murders even comparable to a rape victim that gets beat and put in jail for a crime committed against HER! This is ANOTHER example of the deteriorating effects post modern liberalism has on your ability to think clearly.
So now that Ms. Hillary has spoken out against this despicable verdict handed down by the Saudi Courts, i.e Sharia Law the MSM has decided it must be a worthy news story. I suggest you read the article, but spend most of your time reading the comments left by people. Catch phrases such as, "this is just a radical sect of Islam, " that is doing this. Really? The countries of Saudi Arabia and Iran have a combined population of over 70 million people. These countries operate under a Sharia, or Islamic law court of "justice". I would not consider 70 million people as a radical sect. I would define this as a their system of justice and one that is promoted in hundreds of Koranic verses. Another popular point is the popular various interpretations of the doctrine of multiculturalism. "We consider the Saudi law regarding chaperoning women to be wrong. The rest of the world considers the U.S. death penalty laws to be wrong. Who are we to judge what is right for another culture or nation?" Are you serious? Since when are psychopathic killers and child molesting murders even comparable to a rape victim that gets beat and put in jail for a crime committed against HER! This is ANOTHER example of the deteriorating effects post modern liberalism has on your ability to think clearly.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
SexPlay in Kindergarden-Proof Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
As if any of us needed more proof liberalism is a mental disorder, the socialists in Norway now believe that sex ed as early as kindergarden may be beneficial to a childs development?!?!
As if any of us needed more proof liberalism is a mental disorder, the socialists in Norway now believe that sex ed as early as kindergarden may be beneficial to a childs development?!?!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Mindnumbing, Thoughtless Society.,2933,311785,00.html
This mind numbing, pseudo intellectually stimulating waste land we have produced is appalling. After reading this article about the dangerous dependence upon SMS I have concluded that it is the society in which me live that is dangerous not the government. People now to afraid to confront basic human emotions. We have resorted to using our mobile phones to break the bad news. We, as a society have become so dependent on artificial means of communicating that we have forsaken basic human interaction. The future of our society looks bleak. Entire relationships exist on the Internet and telephone which are void of any face-to-face interaction. People would rather type a message to someone than verbally communicate their thoughts. This is much too hard. People do not speak up for fear of rejection and verbal castigation of their person. People are afraid of confrontation. The solution? Bypass it all with one SMS and your problems will be resolved. The anxiety can be lifted from your mind and you can rest assured that you will not have to deal with that crazy ex-lover any longer. However, there are consequences with these actions. We as a society have become so emotional when it comes to our politics, while at the same time rejecting individual emotions for the collective good. You and me are not individuals but part of the collective society which is pushing us further towards a Orwellian induced coma. Nobody seems to realize that by adapting to these "new and exciting" technologies we loose a part of who we are as individuals. We are robots, controlled by an artificial means of communication and a rejection of all that makes us different. I am not saying we should reject technology. I am not of the type that believes in pre-industrial Romanticism. Technology is a good thing. It makes lives easier for some and brings industry and commerce to society. It has expanded our life expectancy and made the world a better place to live. People can actually enjoy their lives, unlike during the medieval era when you were married by 12 and dead by 30. What I am saying is people need to embrace and confront their individual emotions. People need to experience rejection, sorrow, depression, anxiety, and anger. These are normal functions of the human spirit. To try and cloak them with an SMS will get us nowhere and will only breed emotional ignorance and a false sense of identity.
This mind numbing, pseudo intellectually stimulating waste land we have produced is appalling. After reading this article about the dangerous dependence upon SMS I have concluded that it is the society in which me live that is dangerous not the government. People now to afraid to confront basic human emotions. We have resorted to using our mobile phones to break the bad news. We, as a society have become so dependent on artificial means of communicating that we have forsaken basic human interaction. The future of our society looks bleak. Entire relationships exist on the Internet and telephone which are void of any face-to-face interaction. People would rather type a message to someone than verbally communicate their thoughts. This is much too hard. People do not speak up for fear of rejection and verbal castigation of their person. People are afraid of confrontation. The solution? Bypass it all with one SMS and your problems will be resolved. The anxiety can be lifted from your mind and you can rest assured that you will not have to deal with that crazy ex-lover any longer. However, there are consequences with these actions. We as a society have become so emotional when it comes to our politics, while at the same time rejecting individual emotions for the collective good. You and me are not individuals but part of the collective society which is pushing us further towards a Orwellian induced coma. Nobody seems to realize that by adapting to these "new and exciting" technologies we loose a part of who we are as individuals. We are robots, controlled by an artificial means of communication and a rejection of all that makes us different. I am not saying we should reject technology. I am not of the type that believes in pre-industrial Romanticism. Technology is a good thing. It makes lives easier for some and brings industry and commerce to society. It has expanded our life expectancy and made the world a better place to live. People can actually enjoy their lives, unlike during the medieval era when you were married by 12 and dead by 30. What I am saying is people need to embrace and confront their individual emotions. People need to experience rejection, sorrow, depression, anxiety, and anger. These are normal functions of the human spirit. To try and cloak them with an SMS will get us nowhere and will only breed emotional ignorance and a false sense of identity.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Scientists point to global warming for cause of tidal wave
A giant tidal wave heading for the Eastern English coast receded earlier Friday morning without much Damage. Scientists point to global warming as the primary reason for the tidal wave. All the while ignoring the fact that such waves are a normal occurance in the North Sea.
Climatologists, whom can not accurately predict the local weather 3 days from now, have found new ways in predicting GLOBAL weather patterns 50 years from now. Armed with an increased level of condescending narcissism, they now believe that they will be able to control fires and even tidal waves!
A giant tidal wave heading for the Eastern English coast receded earlier Friday morning without much Damage. Scientists point to global warming as the primary reason for the tidal wave. All the while ignoring the fact that such waves are a normal occurance in the North Sea.
Climatologists, whom can not accurately predict the local weather 3 days from now, have found new ways in predicting GLOBAL weather patterns 50 years from now. Armed with an increased level of condescending narcissism, they now believe that they will be able to control fires and even tidal waves!
Weather Channel Founder calls Global Warming Bluff;jsessionid=QMZVJXIECEURZQFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0?xml=/earth/2007/11/09/eaweather109.xml
Founder of the Weather Channel speaks out against the junk science and religious movement of global warming
Founder of the Weather Channel speaks out against the junk science and religious movement of global warming
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Britain is becoming an Islamic State
You constantly hear from the politically correct pied pipers of the Imams and their allies on the left that Muslims are being unfairly targeted due to Islamophobia. However what the MSM and other government bureacrats have failed to recognize is the rise of attacks on Jews which has far outweighed any attack on a mohammedan
You constantly hear from the politically correct pied pipers of the Imams and their allies on the left that Muslims are being unfairly targeted due to Islamophobia. However what the MSM and other government bureacrats have failed to recognize is the rise of attacks on Jews which has far outweighed any attack on a mohammedan
Pope Greets Saudi Dictator at Vatican
Pope Pope Benedict(Arnold) XVI greeted the Islamic despot King Abdullah at the Vatican Tuesday. Just like Pope Pius XII, Benedict Arnold appeases our enemies and invites evil into the house of the Lord.
Pope Pope Benedict(Arnold) XVI greeted the Islamic despot King Abdullah at the Vatican Tuesday. Just like Pope Pius XII, Benedict Arnold appeases our enemies and invites evil into the house of the Lord.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Lions for Lambs
This weekend I had the opportunity to view a pre-screening of the movie, Lions for Lambs which is directed by Robert Redford and stars Robert Redford, Tom Cruise, and Meryl Streep. The movie is about a ambitious senator, Tom Cruise, a politically charged professor, Robert Redford, and bleeding heart liberal journalist, Meryl Streep. The story begins after two determined students at a West Coast University, Arian and Ernest follow the inspiration of their idealistic professor, Redford and attempt to do something important with their lives. But when the two make the bold decision to join the battle in Afghanistan, Malley is both moved and distraught. Now, as Arian and Ernest fight for survival in the field, they become the string that binds together two disparate stories on opposite sides of America. In California, an anguished Dr. Malley attempts to reach a privileged but disaffected student who is the very opposite of Arian and Ernest. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C. the charismatic Presidential hopeful, Senator Cruise who plays the shady, ambitious and over dramatic senator is about to give a bombshell story to a hostile liberal journalist. As arguments, memories and bullets fly, the three stories are woven ever more tightly together, revealing how each of these Americans has a "profoundly deep" impact on each other and the world. However this movie fails horribly its noble intentions.
The movie plays a like long version of the typical anti-war commercials and the same old talking points heard on AM950.
I do not have a problem with a movie trying to convey a political message. I realize this movie could be considered anti-war which I really have no problem with. However what I do have a problem with is the liberal elites promulgating this movie as having some kind of deep political meaning. I have seen many anti-war movies which I enjoyed i.e Born on the forth of July, Full Metal Jacket, Hamburger Hill, Platoon, etc. All of which make US soldiers look like barbarians and the enemy, victims of the Imperialist, colonialist, Republican war machine. The Hollywood elites have every right to make as much propaganda as they want and try to force it down our throats. But this movie is simply horrible. The casting was so off it makes you feel sorry at the pathetic attempt of Redford in trying to elevate himself to a kind of deity of political correctness. Tom Cruise is equally awful. His character comes off as this hot shot Top Gun wanna be who over exaggerates his patriotic concern for the U.S. Robert Redford looks like he has overdosed on Botox and reminds me of the typical anti-war idealist who thinks his two cents actually make all the difference. Meryl Streep's character was by far the best, and this is not saying much. She plays the typical bleeding heart liberal who sick and tired of Republicans and their evil manipulative ways. However she does play her part well and it could be considered the most authentic of the movie.
The simplistic message of the movie is that Democrats seem to do what is right, while Republicans are deliberately putting soldiers in harms way for political gain. This simplistic portrayal of the political landscape is obtuse and hypocritical knowing that Democrats voted along side of the Republicans for both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions. Instead of trying to be holier then thou and overdosing themselves on political correctness, the goal should be an united effort to confront Islamic Terror with force and an unabating effort to crush its backwards medieval view of the world. This movie is a cliched effort by the left and what hear he from them on a daily basis. I suggest if you are interested in the leftist mindset and care to digest some anti-American rhetoric, you can browse the Internet or go talk to a political science professor on any American campus and you will get the gist of what this movie is all about.
The movie plays a like long version of the typical anti-war commercials and the same old talking points heard on AM950.
I do not have a problem with a movie trying to convey a political message. I realize this movie could be considered anti-war which I really have no problem with. However what I do have a problem with is the liberal elites promulgating this movie as having some kind of deep political meaning. I have seen many anti-war movies which I enjoyed i.e Born on the forth of July, Full Metal Jacket, Hamburger Hill, Platoon, etc. All of which make US soldiers look like barbarians and the enemy, victims of the Imperialist, colonialist, Republican war machine. The Hollywood elites have every right to make as much propaganda as they want and try to force it down our throats. But this movie is simply horrible. The casting was so off it makes you feel sorry at the pathetic attempt of Redford in trying to elevate himself to a kind of deity of political correctness. Tom Cruise is equally awful. His character comes off as this hot shot Top Gun wanna be who over exaggerates his patriotic concern for the U.S. Robert Redford looks like he has overdosed on Botox and reminds me of the typical anti-war idealist who thinks his two cents actually make all the difference. Meryl Streep's character was by far the best, and this is not saying much. She plays the typical bleeding heart liberal who sick and tired of Republicans and their evil manipulative ways. However she does play her part well and it could be considered the most authentic of the movie.
The simplistic message of the movie is that Democrats seem to do what is right, while Republicans are deliberately putting soldiers in harms way for political gain. This simplistic portrayal of the political landscape is obtuse and hypocritical knowing that Democrats voted along side of the Republicans for both the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions. Instead of trying to be holier then thou and overdosing themselves on political correctness, the goal should be an united effort to confront Islamic Terror with force and an unabating effort to crush its backwards medieval view of the world. This movie is a cliched effort by the left and what hear he from them on a daily basis. I suggest if you are interested in the leftist mindset and care to digest some anti-American rhetoric, you can browse the Internet or go talk to a political science professor on any American campus and you will get the gist of what this movie is all about.
political correctness,
Friday, November 2, 2007
If you think things are going bad for us in Iraq, what about on the streets of American cities? Illegal Immigrants alone kill an average of 12 Americans every day. This excludes the amount of people killed by legal citizens which is in the dozens. Furthermore, you have people that are subjected to violent crimes i.e rape, assault, domestic abuse, robbings etc that must also be taken into account. It seems that the MSM neglects to mention that it is more dangerous on some of American streets then in the "war zones" of Iraq most notorious cities.
If you think things are going bad for us in Iraq, what about on the streets of American cities? Illegal Immigrants alone kill an average of 12 Americans every day. This excludes the amount of people killed by legal citizens which is in the dozens. Furthermore, you have people that are subjected to violent crimes i.e rape, assault, domestic abuse, robbings etc that must also be taken into account. It seems that the MSM neglects to mention that it is more dangerous on some of American streets then in the "war zones" of Iraq most notorious cities.
So I started this blog because I am not able to access my MySpace at work. I used MySpace to blog every once and while about random things on my mind. At first I was very frustrated that I could not view MySpace or FaceBook for that matter. How could these people ban my only way of communicating with people that otherwise would not exist!? But after a few weeks of coming down from the social networking high, I found the release of this addiction comforting and relieving. I was no longer at the mercy of who's who on FaceBook/MySpace or what some random kind I met at a party was up to. I could now go about my life in anonymity.
Anyways every morning on my ride to work I like catch a bit of the Stephanie Miller show on AM950 AirAmerica. Stephine Miller is William E. Millers daughter. WM ran with Barry Goldwater in the presidential race of 1964. Her show features a segment called RightWing World which I find amusing and childish. Basically it is collection of sound bites from your mainstream "conservative" types i.e The leprechaun(Bill O'Reilly) Laura Ingram, Dick Morris, etc. She will play a clip and with it will follow your typical condescending liberal remarks, ad homonym attacks, and ridiculous self-congratulatory machine generated clapping. It is really quite amusing how childish and moronic this woman portrays herself as. She never attacks their ideas but rather resorts to calling them "right wing tools". She embodies everything that the condescending liberal attitude stands for. The mentality of the left is"how could you possibly not agree with me?"
The problem starts when the liberal is presented with an idea and the chance to debate the issue. They do not bother debating but rather resort to the Marxist tactic of attacking you as a person. They laugh at you and call you names as if they were 2nd graders. Their ability to form a rational thought has been blurred and eaten away by the cancerous disease of Marxism. The typical leftist bashes not what you are trying to discover intellectually but rather would discredit your person in order to make you an un-person. However, the most amusing thing about Stephanie Miller is not her elite liberalism, but the fact she is running with Barry Goldwater's daughter in the 2008 presidential race. The fact that this is just a ridiculous publicity stunt is not why I find this whole thing fascinating. How could Stephannie Miller and CC Goldwater possibly think they resemble anything Goldwater? They stand in contrast to everything he fought against i.e Marxism, elitism, big government, social welfare, and the religious movement of environmentalism. Just because Goldwater was suspicious of the Christian right-wing and believed gays had the right to fight in the military DOES NOT make you the anointed decedents of Mr. Barry Goldwater. All Ms. Miller does is perpetuate the disease of liberalism. She is a mold straight out of 1984, a walking talking contradiction to herself and what the word liberal fundamentally means.
Anyways every morning on my ride to work I like catch a bit of the Stephanie Miller show on AM950 AirAmerica. Stephine Miller is William E. Millers daughter. WM ran with Barry Goldwater in the presidential race of 1964. Her show features a segment called RightWing World which I find amusing and childish. Basically it is collection of sound bites from your mainstream "conservative" types i.e The leprechaun(Bill O'Reilly) Laura Ingram, Dick Morris, etc. She will play a clip and with it will follow your typical condescending liberal remarks, ad homonym attacks, and ridiculous self-congratulatory machine generated clapping. It is really quite amusing how childish and moronic this woman portrays herself as. She never attacks their ideas but rather resorts to calling them "right wing tools". She embodies everything that the condescending liberal attitude stands for. The mentality of the left is"how could you possibly not agree with me?"
The problem starts when the liberal is presented with an idea and the chance to debate the issue. They do not bother debating but rather resort to the Marxist tactic of attacking you as a person. They laugh at you and call you names as if they were 2nd graders. Their ability to form a rational thought has been blurred and eaten away by the cancerous disease of Marxism. The typical leftist bashes not what you are trying to discover intellectually but rather would discredit your person in order to make you an un-person. However, the most amusing thing about Stephanie Miller is not her elite liberalism, but the fact she is running with Barry Goldwater's daughter in the 2008 presidential race. The fact that this is just a ridiculous publicity stunt is not why I find this whole thing fascinating. How could Stephannie Miller and CC Goldwater possibly think they resemble anything Goldwater? They stand in contrast to everything he fought against i.e Marxism, elitism, big government, social welfare, and the religious movement of environmentalism. Just because Goldwater was suspicious of the Christian right-wing and believed gays had the right to fight in the military DOES NOT make you the anointed decedents of Mr. Barry Goldwater. All Ms. Miller does is perpetuate the disease of liberalism. She is a mold straight out of 1984, a walking talking contradiction to herself and what the word liberal fundamentally means.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Laura Bush embraces Islamic head dress in campaign to appease Arab world and multicultural terrorists. What is this woman thinking!?!?
Laura Bush embraces Islamic head dress in campaign to appease Arab world and multicultural terrorists. What is this woman thinking!?!?
Hello everyone, Welcome to the right wing world of myself, the home of the VintageConservative.Let me take a chance to introduce myself. I am a mid 20's white mate. Yes, that is right I am a white male and proud of it. We are a dying breed and we need to begin to speak up for our cause. Of course all you PC pied pipers out there would take offense to this. However, no more offense should be taken then a black male proclaiming that he is proud of his African heritage Many of you know how I stand politically. It has been quite a rough political ride for me these last couple of years. If you were to ask me 5 years ago where I stand in regards to politics, I would have said that I was a proud liberal. That I hate all things conservative and I loathe this United States of America in which I was brought up in. I would have spouted that same talking points heard on a daily basis from mainstream left and would have unknowingly regarded Karl Marx my god. However as time progressed and I became more disilluisioned by the state of political affairs I began to explore other channels to express where I stood in the war of Ideas. I began to read books by David Horowitz, Thomas Sowell, and other libertarian/conservative writers. I began to realize that after years of leftist indoctrination I was not a contemporary liberal by any means. I had the Iron curtain of the left unveiled from my eyes and I was no longer at the mercy of Marxism. You see this is the evil that Marxism spreads. It makes you think you are something that you are not. It herds everyone into a group mentality and anybody that may disagree with you is obviously not as intelligent as yourself. "how could that person possibly believe that" mentality is what American liberalism really amounts too. It spreads a ideology of intolerance towards other points of view, a condescending attitude towards dissenters, and a nihilistic view of human nature. First off, this blog is an attempt to convey my feelings about the current state of political warfare, both domestically and internationally. I will talk about a range of issues from the socialist despot Nancy Pelosi to the fiscal socialist himself, GW. Let me also clarify that I am NOT a Republican. Recently, I began to see how very un-conservative the Republican Party really is, and I was truly surprised to see that many Republicans are quite socially liberal, limiting their conservatism to fiscal matters. And as 9/11 occurred, and really shocked me out of a complacency about our security in our own country, I was stunned to see that our President had no intention of closing the borders, cracking down on Islamic militants in our country, or deporting anyone. At the same time it seemed that I noticed our cities filling up with third-world immigrants who displayed everything from indifference to outright hostility to all things American. And yet our administration and the Republican Party, who I naively believed to be committed to preserving America and conserving our traditions, seemed oblivious to both those things. Our President and his unquestioning followers began to show their very un-conservative principles, and the fact that the President began to aggressively push amnesty for the increasingly visible illegal alien population, really convinced me that neither this administration nor the GOP had America's safety and survival at heart.I am a conservative in the classical liberalism sense. I believe in free markets, Capitalism, individual liberty, strong security for our nations boarders, and traditional American values. I guess some of you may label me a Libertarian. I would not reject this because of then unrealistic isolationist approach to Foreign Policy. I reject what the Republicans currently stand for and I believe they are almost worse then the Democrats. You see at least with the Democrats you know what your getting; big government, organic food, carbon powered lawnmowers, and a belief that everyone and everything can be explained in class terms. But with the Republicans they are more sneaky about it. They say they are for less government but then we have a fiscal socialist for a president. He has outspent LBJ, Kennedy, Truman, and Nixon combined, and this is EXCLUDING the expenses we amassed in the "war on terror", which should be labeled what it really is, A war against radical Islam and the totalitarian elements of the religion of Islam itself. But you must see that Republicans are just as PC as the left. The cancerous disease of Political correctness spreads to many hearts and minds. It can not tell the difference between the Democrat or the Republican Take for example the term, "compassionate conservatism" what else does this imply other then conservatives were not compassionate before GW decided to coin this Orwellian PC phrase? This blog will focus discuss mainly around current events and will be a platform for my rants about whatever is on my mind. Feel free to comment on what is discussed. Attack my character like the liberal you most likely are, but if we really want to have a constructive conversation attack my idea. Any pea brained individual can make fun of another, however, it is the attempt to discredit another's idea through debate and reason that really makes all the difference.;_ylt=AknnCe43g8kV3zDMkVIer2J.KcMA
What is with all these Hollywood Communists supporting this turd world dictator?
What is with all these Hollywood Communists supporting this turd world dictator?
'Islamophobia' Used to Crush Muslim Dissent, Panel Says
These rats are using the old liberal playing card of Political correctness in order to spread their totalitarian Religious agenda on the West. They must be stopped.
'Islamophobia' Used to Crush Muslim Dissent, Panel Says
These rats are using the old liberal playing card of Political correctness in order to spread their totalitarian Religious agenda on the West. They must be stopped.
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