Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hello everyone, Welcome to the right wing world of myself, the home of the VintageConservative.Let me take a chance to introduce myself. I am a mid 20's white mate. Yes, that is right I am a white male and proud of it. We are a dying breed and we need to begin to speak up for our cause. Of course all you PC pied pipers out there would take offense to this. However, no more offense should be taken then a black male proclaiming that he is proud of his African heritage Many of you know how I stand politically. It has been quite a rough political ride for me these last couple of years. If you were to ask me 5 years ago where I stand in regards to politics, I would have said that I was a proud liberal. That I hate all things conservative and I loathe this United States of America in which I was brought up in. I would have spouted that same talking points heard on a daily basis from mainstream left and would have unknowingly regarded Karl Marx my god. However as time progressed and I became more disilluisioned by the state of political affairs I began to explore other channels to express where I stood in the war of Ideas. I began to read books by David Horowitz, Thomas Sowell, and other libertarian/conservative writers. I began to realize that after years of leftist indoctrination I was not a contemporary liberal by any means. I had the Iron curtain of the left unveiled from my eyes and I was no longer at the mercy of Marxism. You see this is the evil that Marxism spreads. It makes you think you are something that you are not. It herds everyone into a group mentality and anybody that may disagree with you is obviously not as intelligent as yourself. "how could that person possibly believe that" mentality is what American liberalism really amounts too. It spreads a ideology of intolerance towards other points of view, a condescending attitude towards dissenters, and a nihilistic view of human nature. First off, this blog is an attempt to convey my feelings about the current state of political warfare, both domestically and internationally. I will talk about a range of issues from the socialist despot Nancy Pelosi to the fiscal socialist himself, GW. Let me also clarify that I am NOT a Republican. Recently, I began to see how very un-conservative the Republican Party really is, and I was truly surprised to see that many Republicans are quite socially liberal, limiting their conservatism to fiscal matters. And as 9/11 occurred, and really shocked me out of a complacency about our security in our own country, I was stunned to see that our President had no intention of closing the borders, cracking down on Islamic militants in our country, or deporting anyone. At the same time it seemed that I noticed our cities filling up with third-world immigrants who displayed everything from indifference to outright hostility to all things American. And yet our administration and the Republican Party, who I naively believed to be committed to preserving America and conserving our traditions, seemed oblivious to both those things. Our President and his unquestioning followers began to show their very un-conservative principles, and the fact that the President began to aggressively push amnesty for the increasingly visible illegal alien population, really convinced me that neither this administration nor the GOP had America's safety and survival at heart.I am a conservative in the classical liberalism sense. I believe in free markets, Capitalism, individual liberty, strong security for our nations boarders, and traditional American values. I guess some of you may label me a Libertarian. I would not reject this because of then unrealistic isolationist approach to Foreign Policy. I reject what the Republicans currently stand for and I believe they are almost worse then the Democrats. You see at least with the Democrats you know what your getting; big government, organic food, carbon powered lawnmowers, and a belief that everyone and everything can be explained in class terms. But with the Republicans they are more sneaky about it. They say they are for less government but then we have a fiscal socialist for a president. He has outspent LBJ, Kennedy, Truman, and Nixon combined, and this is EXCLUDING the expenses we amassed in the "war on terror", which should be labeled what it really is, A war against radical Islam and the totalitarian elements of the religion of Islam itself. But you must see that Republicans are just as PC as the left. The cancerous disease of Political correctness spreads to many hearts and minds. It can not tell the difference between the Democrat or the Republican Take for example the term, "compassionate conservatism" what else does this imply other then conservatives were not compassionate before GW decided to coin this Orwellian PC phrase? This blog will focus discuss mainly around current events and will be a platform for my rants about whatever is on my mind. Feel free to comment on what is discussed. Attack my character like the liberal you most likely are, but if we really want to have a constructive conversation attack my idea. Any pea brained individual can make fun of another, however, it is the attempt to discredit another's idea through debate and reason that really makes all the difference.

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