Thursday, December 27, 2007

Benazir Bhutto Killed in Suicide Attack in Pakistan

Radical Islamo Facists claim another victim:

While I may have not agreed with the socialistic politics of Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, I am deeply saddened and troubled by her untimely death. She was a woman ahead of her time in a barbaric Muslim world. She was the first woman leader in any Muslim country, and served as Prime Minister from1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996. Bhutto also was the daughter of the politician Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who was the leader of Pakistan from 1971 until 1977. She was educated at Harvard University and also studied philosophy, political science and economics at the University of Oxford. She was a woman much ahead of her time in a world dominated by a throwback 7th century sense of morality.

How long before the left wing media blames Musharraf instead of the radical Islamics who committed this atrocity? General Musharraf's government junta was trying to prevent situations like this from occurring. While many were critical of Musharrafs autocratic rule he offered the best solutions for the time being. Her killing will only bring more upheaval in the Mid-East world. Pakistan is a very fragile nuclear armed country. It is a hub of radical Islamic activity and many are intimidated by a person like Bhutto.

Radical ISLAMIC terrorists can feel the noose tightening, and they strike in desperation. I am grieved by the assassination Bhutto, along with all those who lost their lives during the attack. My eye's see this grievous destruction from the other side of the world, in the safety of a home with protection taken for granted. I can only imagine the anxiety, and anger, of Pakistan's people today. The uproar that is going to occur will be exactly what the perpetrators of this action want. I can hear the left, in America, crying, "It's all our fault!", and using this as a tool to get our presence out of the Middle East. The noose that tightens around their neck, as we fight the evil they permitted to grow, safe, and secure, on the other side of the world.

But those that are aware of the threat of Islamo fascists will see through the coming lies of the media. Make no mistake about it, this was a assassination in the name of Islam against a woman who represented liberal ideals of the West. Bhutto represented everything Islam is against. She was not veiled. She was secular. She was highly educated and represented a kind of feminism that American feminazis have forsaken in the name of political correctness.

Looking at this situation from a Western perspective, this assassination is equivalent to someone blowing up Hillary Clinton, or Margaret Thatcher. This is one of those days that will have a ripple effect for historical outcomes for quite a long time.

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