Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Smoking Gestapo Bust Real Estate Office!

First smoking fine goes to real estate office, 56 others warned!

Welcome to the Real Fascist Police State!

Smokers beware, the Gestapo are out in full force. They will invade your private property looking for any violation of the state wide smoking ban and then proceed to indoctrinate you on the evils of smoking.

Says on SS leader, "We're not out there strolling the streets looking for violations of the law. We are responding to public concerns or complaints when we do receive them," he said.

Apparently this re-education of smokers seems to be working. The real-estate office manager is quoted as saying, "We will definitely think twice before lighting up!"

Just like Nazi Germany, friends are now turning their own friends in for violations against the State. Co-workers at Edina Reality did not want to do the honorable thing and tell them to smoke else where, they turned to the government for help. After all, the State knows all and we must trust them with our lives and freedoms. Never-mind that there has NEVER been any authoritative study linking second hand smoke to ANY health alignments.

I will not get into the specifics of the smoking bans that are popping up around the country. You all probably know where I stand on this issue.

What makes me angry is that while liberals cry about "lack transportation" our tax payer dollars are now being used to watch smokers and fine them petty amounts of cash. Where is the ACLU in all of this. Answer: they would rather use their time to determine whether or not it is constitutional to have sex in a public restroom.

Where is the liberal cry of "big brother is watching us"? Liberals are always quick to pin the Nazi label on the right, but let us not forget it was the Nazi's who went after smokers in Germany and completely outlawed the act during the short life of the Third Reich.

This article from the Star and Sickle also mentions the fact that Casinos on Indian-owned land are exempt from the smoking ban. Well of course they are, they are one of the biggest contributors to the DFL.

A word of advice for smokers; dig a hole in your back yard, build a atomic bomb like structure and proceed to smoke your lungs away! This will be the only way you will be able to avoid those pesky smoking police and fellow citizens willing to sacrifice friendship for the State.

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