Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bush and Olmert favor "Palestinian State" over Israeli Security


How many times will these self-serving, inflated politicians have to get together to finally realize Palestine does not care nor does it's cause warrant a state. Since when have Arabs ever been nationalistic? They are a conglomerate of tribes and kingdoms. The modern Middle East is a creation developed by Colonial Britain. The Palestinians are a invention, created out of Arab self loathing and a chance to bring back Arab greatness. Palestine was strategically developed in order to make the poor Arabs look like the victims of Israeli imperialist aggression. If you do not believe me, look at the willingness of other Arab nations to take in Palestinian refugees. Would you believe me when I say Israel takes in more Palestinian refugees then any other country in the world? Of course not. Because the MSM and Arab special interests suppress this truth in order to promulgate "Palestine" as the victim.

Palestine is an emotional dichotomy that appeals to both the ignorant liberal as well propagating Arab victim hood. As a result of being cloaked in the Marxist dialectic as well as being anti-American/Western, it has become a textbook cause worth supporting amongst liberal elites.

Apparently this cancerous disease of Palestinian Statehood has grown in the mind of Bush and Olmert as well.

These "peace summits" are nothing more then a chance for Bush to have a photo opp and to make himself look better in the public eye. If the Israelis continue on the path of appeasement and land reconciliation they will only bring about their own destruction. When will people realize that the Arab does not want a Israeli state to exist! They could care less about Palestine and a creation of its State. They care more about implementing Sharia Law and exterminating the guilt ridden liberal Jew.

The Israelis have been more the willing to work with the invention that is Palestine. They have given back settlements and tracks of land only to have them become staging grounds to launch rocket attacks back at Israel. They have freed hundreds of Palestinian militants only to be slapped in the face. They have given millions of aid to the Arabs of the pseudo nation of Palestine only to have this money used to blow up buses and kill school children in downtown Tel Aviv. Enough is enough. Israeli must begin to rid itself of this Jewish guilt and begin to build a stronger Israel. Bush, Rice, and Olmert only exist to appease the Arab militants and to feed their need for approval points.

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