Tuesday, December 4, 2007

MSM Looks for Anything to Appease a Nuclear Iran




In a desperate attempt to appease Iran and let it go ahead with its nuclear weapons program, the MSM is ironically using this intel report released by the loathed U.S intelligence community as ammunition against a preemptive strike by the U.S.

A recent intelligence report has been released stating that Iran ceased its nuclear weapons program back in 2003. This news provided a new lease on life for liberals and the MSM alike. They have jumped on the news with glee and a self congratulatory pat on the back. "I told you so! Iran is not developing nuclear weapons! They only seek peaceful nuclear energy!" Nevermind that they are one of the top oil producers in the world and have no need for nuclear power. Nevermind that they wish to establish the Caliph throughout the world. Nevermind that they fund terrorist activities the world around. Nevermind that they wish to push Israel into the Mediterranean. Nevermind they follow a throwback document that views the world through a 7th century lens.

Anybody with half a brain should be worried by the combination of elements coming together in Tehran: a radical, terror-sponsoring regime, convinced that it is operating under divine guidance, armed with nuclear weapons and equipped with a range of delivery systems including long-range missiles that can target major European cities thousands of miles away. Military experts in the west know that not only Israel would be in danger. Indeed, even from the Arab media it is evident that Iran's "nuclear programme" is perceived by the moderate Arab states as a threat to the security of the entire Middle East.

However, the left is under the illusion that if Iran says it stopped its nuclear weapons program, then it must be true! Now what I find especially fascinating is that the international Bush hating left is always quick to dismiss U.S intelligence as faulty or agenda driven, but when the intelligence is in favor of their appeasement agenda then it become legitimate. Since when should U.S intelligence be the foundation for international action against Iran? Does this not go against following the doctrine of US aggression? You see by the left recognizing this report they contradict their own beliefs and go against their own doctrine of Anti U.S imperalism.

But what is really new with post modern liberals? Theiraxis of evil consists of American racism, sexism and imperialism. Evil does not exist. It is all relevant in the eye of the beholder.

Since when is it the job of the U.S. to police the world, as the politically correct lib would say?

Defense minister, Ehud Barak rightfully has stated that, "It is possible that this is correct, but I do not think that it is our place to make assessments about US [policy]. It is our responsibility to ensure that the correct things are done. Constantly speaking about the Iranian threat, as we have done recently, is not the right thing to do… words do not stop missiles," Barak told Army Radio.

He went on to say, "There are differences in the assessments of different organizations in the world about this, and only time will tell who is right."

Barak is right, why the hell should Israel and the rest of the world base its own security on a U.S intelligence report?We all know how reliable these reports have been in the past.

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