Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Mindnumbing, Thoughtless Society.,2933,311785,00.html

This mind numbing, pseudo intellectually stimulating waste land we have produced is appalling. After reading this article about the dangerous dependence upon SMS I have concluded that it is the society in which me live that is dangerous not the government. People now to afraid to confront basic human emotions. We have resorted to using our mobile phones to break the bad news. We, as a society have become so dependent on artificial means of communicating that we have forsaken basic human interaction. The future of our society looks bleak. Entire relationships exist on the Internet and telephone which are void of any face-to-face interaction. People would rather type a message to someone than verbally communicate their thoughts. This is much too hard. People do not speak up for fear of rejection and verbal castigation of their person. People are afraid of confrontation. The solution? Bypass it all with one SMS and your problems will be resolved. The anxiety can be lifted from your mind and you can rest assured that you will not have to deal with that crazy ex-lover any longer. However, there are consequences with these actions. We as a society have become so emotional when it comes to our politics, while at the same time rejecting individual emotions for the collective good. You and me are not individuals but part of the collective society which is pushing us further towards a Orwellian induced coma. Nobody seems to realize that by adapting to these "new and exciting" technologies we loose a part of who we are as individuals. We are robots, controlled by an artificial means of communication and a rejection of all that makes us different. I am not saying we should reject technology. I am not of the type that believes in pre-industrial Romanticism. Technology is a good thing. It makes lives easier for some and brings industry and commerce to society. It has expanded our life expectancy and made the world a better place to live. People can actually enjoy their lives, unlike during the medieval era when you were married by 12 and dead by 30. What I am saying is people need to embrace and confront their individual emotions. People need to experience rejection, sorrow, depression, anxiety, and anger. These are normal functions of the human spirit. To try and cloak them with an SMS will get us nowhere and will only breed emotional ignorance and a false sense of identity.

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