Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger Dies

Bush cancels speech because Follywood Junkie Dies of Overdose!

Another young hollywood actor has died from a possible overdose: Faux News and the Crescent News Network to dedicate regular programing to honor fallen star.

This is news? I mean if I heard about Britney Spears, or Sean Penn reading the Bible now that would be news! But another follywood vermin dies "before his time" and we are all suppose to stop what we are doing and be sad? Come on sheeple! We have real hero's dying in Iraq, woman and children being slaughtered in Sudan, Koreans dying of starvation, and markets crashing all around us and we are suppose to be depressed about some actor who was on drugs! This is NOT any new.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Typical homophobic response.