Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dutch Politician Rightly Equates Koran to Mein Kampf,1518,529994,00.html

The cancerous disease of Political Correctness

Holland permits prostitution, drug legalization, and many other "liberal" ideals but wants to stop Geert Wilders from airing his "Anti-Islamic" film.

The country of Holland, which prides itself on being tolerant is not so tolerant of people that speak out against Islamic-fascist barbarism. A country of communists, socialists, Muslim apologists, and other Marxist types is condemning a politician for speaking out against what he sees as a tide of Islamization in Europe, anybody who disagrees with him or his party is labeled, " A Far Right-Wing extremist". This situation speaks volumes to the degree political correctness has gone. Holland, which was a model of the enlightenment era, is now to scared to speak out against a religion that seeks to destroy the West and implement an ideology that is in stark contrast to Western ideals. Sure there are "peaceful Muslims" but where are they? They blindly follow their leaders just like sheeple Germans during the short life of the Third Reich.

When will the West wake up and realize Islam is not just a religion, but a political structure and a Geo-political campaign. Have any of these socialist vermin ever read one passage of the Koran? It's full of violence and intolerance towards the dhemmni( slave class, 2nd, 3rd class citizens) And anybody who likes to say that there are peaceful passages in the Koran needs to familiarize themselves with the law of Abrogation that Muhammad introduced. This religious decree says that's anything that is written later in the Koran abrogates or cancels anything that is previously written. So anything peaceful is abrogated by the violence preached against non-believers in the latter part of the Q'uran.

Wake up Western World! The Koran and the religion of Islam is a barbaric, 7th century belief structure that hates homosexuals, Jews, and Christians and seeks to establish Islam at the one True Religion. Why don't we all start to truely become Liberals and stand up against this Barbaric prehistoric system of beliefs?


Anonymous said...

While the stated goal of many muslim immigrants is to transform Dutch society, and making a movie should never be cause for labeling and hating someone, to say that Islam is not a religion is foolish. And anyway, the bible has many horrific and violent verses also, along with many beautiful and uplifitng ones, just like the Koran.

VintageConservative said...

Mike, your scarcasm exceeds you.

VintageConservative said...

Look up the law of abrogation my friend. I never said Islam is not a religion. It is more than a religion; it is a totalitarian geopolitical movement. It is the The Religion in the eyes of its Believers. This is the fundamental problem with Islam