Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have A Dream"

"What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have A Dream"



Here in the Twin Cities we have some of the brightest and inspiring news the country has to offer. While taking in my daily dose of the liberal media last night I cam across a thought provoking news story that made me ask myself, "What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have a Dream?" This was the brilliant question posed by WCCO during the 10 o'clock news last night. I began to think, what if Martin Luther King didn't have a dream? Well of course black people would still be segregated into poor neighborhoods. They would still view themselves as victims. They would still be demanding reparations for their slavery days. They would still believe everybody owes them something because of the color of their skin. They would still be a counterproductive culture that praises violence, joblessness, single parent families, a soaring drop out rate, and a redneck ideology that harkens back to the fringe areas of the Scottish Highlands. (Read; Black Rednecks and White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell for further explanation)

But wait! Do not get me wrong, Martin Luther King was a great man. He risked his life to speak out against injustice and racial bigotry. He opened the doors for opportunities that didn't exist. He was beacon of truth in a racially divided country. But let us face the facts, Martin Luther King did not bring racial harmony to the black community. Martin Luther's message has been hijacked by racist demagogues i.e Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jena 6, etc. Martin Luther King preached individualism and personal strength. He would have been ashamed of people like Sharpton and his apostles.

The Marxism that has penetrated the celebrations of Martin Luther King has also seen the elimination of Washington and Lincoln's holidays (now called "President's Day"). But strangely only one man's name now appears as a national holiday. How did this happen? How could the names of the man who led the continental army against the British and founded our nation and the man who freed the slaves be eliminated from national days of memory? Who did this? None other than the socialist race hustlers of America. These people are the true racists crying racism at any opportunity they can get. These are the people that say race is not an issue but bring it up time and time again. These are the people who force diversity down our throats and tell us we must act a certain way around minorities as to not offend them. After all, minorities need special treatment and we must tip toe around anything that has to do with race. These are the people that give special treatment to minorities because they cannot make it without the help of white liberals. These are the same people that say the culture in which we are brought up has nothing do with how we behave. These are the people that say blacks must vote for Obama because he is black. These are the same people that choose to value someone on the basis of their skin and NOT on the content of their character. These are the same people that have bred a culture of brainless tolerance that is too scared to confront someone of color out because of fear and legal retribution.

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