Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Juan McClaims Conservative Credientials

IMMIGRATION: he wrote the bill granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy)
SOCIAL SECURITY: he voted to give your social security money to illegal immigrants
TAXES: he voted against the Bush tax cuts multiple times (he has since flip-flopped and has campaigned as a lifelong tax-cutter)
RHETORIC: he routinely engages in Democratic class warfare against big companies in America, particularly the “evil” drug companies who research cures to debilitating diseases for a profit
ECONOMY: as recently as December 2007 he admitted “he does not know the economy very well” and needed to get better at it
1ST AMENDMENT: he wrote the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill that was declared to be an unconstitutional infringement of the 1st Amendment (co-sponsored by ultra-liberal Democrat Russ Feingold)
2ND AMENDMENT: he was called the “worst 2nd amendment candidate” by the president of the NRA
ENERGY TAX: wrote a bill (co-sponsored by his buddy Lieberman) imposing a massive tax on energy which, according to the Department of Energy, would drastically raise the price of gasoline and put 300,000 Americans out of work
GLOBAL WARMING: supports radical global warming legislation which involved him voting with every Democrat; think only America is responsible to take action, not other superpowers
JUDGES: he joined forces with Democrats (Gang of 14) to block the Senate Republican’s attempt to confirm conservative, strict constructionist judges
WAR ON TERROR: fought with Hillary Clinton to demand that terrorists be given a full American trial. He also wished to close Guantanamo Bay
GAY MARRIAGE: he joined liberals to fight against a federal marriage amendment supporting the institution of traditional marriage
CHRISTIANS: campaigning in 2000, he famously described Christian leaders as “agents of intolerance”
PRO-LIFE: he filed an amicus brief against pro-life advocates in Wisconsin
BI-PARTISANSHIP: he met with leading Democrats in 2004 to discuss the possibility of being John Kerry’s Vice-President
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: ringleader of the infamous Keating 5 ethical scandal which cost US tax payers $160 billion (Google it)
PERSONAL ETHICS: McCain cheated on his first wife after she had a severe accident that left her partially disabled. He then divorced her and married his multi-millionaire mistress, whose daddy bought McCain a spot in the Congress

Monday, January 28, 2008

Political Correctness is Counter to Human Nature

Political correctness and all the other aspects of post modern liberalism are counter to human nature.

Post Modern Liberalism requires much more social pressure and constant indoctrination and enforcement to maintain their hold. We are told what is right from the moment we enter our public institutions of higher learning. Even those who seek out refuge in the private sector are bombarded by these cancerous affects of PC. However, PC is therefore not as strong as it may appear to be; it is merely being propped up by an elaborate structure of enforcement. So liberalism is a high-maintenance kind of system; it conflicts with what is normal in human nature. Egalitarianism, enforced altruism and coerced niceness do not come naturally to people.

However, one thing PC has working for it is that it appeals to the vanity of human beings; those who religiously practice liberal attitudes, towards minorities, for example, have the reward of "feeling good about themselves". Our liberal society counts racial liberalism as the highest virtue, and people who follow this mantra want to be seen as enlightened. However, what is ironic about this, is that by treating minorites with preferences and special treatments they are no less "racist" then their fore fathers.

Post-modern westerners no longer value sexual virtue, for example, or religious piety, but they value racial piety as manifested in PC and multiculturalism. So there is an incentive for people who buy into the secular religion of liberalism to maintain their egalitarian, politically correct postures. Many rewards mount to those who toe the PC line and punishments and social ostracism await those who rebel against the liberal orthodoxies where political correctness is concerned. Think: Don Imus, Michael Savage, and countless others who fell outside of the PC code.

Ironically, much of the enforcement of political correctness is not in the hands of the authorities, at least in America; it's democratically enforced, even sub consciously. Our fellow citizens will often react to punish offenders or to make an example of them. We censor ourselves, and if we don't, someone is ready and waiting to do it for us. Who needs the Soviet Union?

I think that one of the most important things we can do is to work, first, to free ourselves from the crippling effects of PC. All of us are, by virtue of living in this society, overdosed on PC, and some of us are less aware of how much of it we accept unthinkingly. It infects our whole society, even in innocuous guises like entertainment and commercials.

It's part of the air we breathe.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger Dies



Bush cancels speech because Follywood Junkie Dies of Overdose!

Another young hollywood actor has died from a possible overdose: Faux News and the Crescent News Network to dedicate regular programing to honor fallen star.

This is news? I mean if I heard about Britney Spears, or Sean Penn reading the Bible now that would be news! But another follywood vermin dies "before his time" and we are all suppose to stop what we are doing and be sad? Come on sheeple! We have real hero's dying in Iraq, woman and children being slaughtered in Sudan, Koreans dying of starvation, and markets crashing all around us and we are suppose to be depressed about some actor who was on drugs! This is NOT any new.

Dutch Politician Rightly Equates Koran to Mein Kampf


The cancerous disease of Political Correctness

Holland permits prostitution, drug legalization, and many other "liberal" ideals but wants to stop Geert Wilders from airing his "Anti-Islamic" film.

The country of Holland, which prides itself on being tolerant is not so tolerant of people that speak out against Islamic-fascist barbarism. A country of communists, socialists, Muslim apologists, and other Marxist types is condemning a politician for speaking out against what he sees as a tide of Islamization in Europe, anybody who disagrees with him or his party is labeled, " A Far Right-Wing extremist". This situation speaks volumes to the degree political correctness has gone. Holland, which was a model of the enlightenment era, is now to scared to speak out against a religion that seeks to destroy the West and implement an ideology that is in stark contrast to Western ideals. Sure there are "peaceful Muslims" but where are they? They blindly follow their leaders just like sheeple Germans during the short life of the Third Reich.

When will the West wake up and realize Islam is not just a religion, but a political structure and a Geo-political campaign. Have any of these socialist vermin ever read one passage of the Koran? It's full of violence and intolerance towards the dhemmni( slave class, 2nd, 3rd class citizens) And anybody who likes to say that there are peaceful passages in the Koran needs to familiarize themselves with the law of Abrogation that Muhammad introduced. This religious decree says that's anything that is written later in the Koran abrogates or cancels anything that is previously written. So anything peaceful is abrogated by the violence preached against non-believers in the latter part of the Q'uran.

Wake up Western World! The Koran and the religion of Islam is a barbaric, 7th century belief structure that hates homosexuals, Jews, and Christians and seeks to establish Islam at the one True Religion. Why don't we all start to truely become Liberals and stand up against this Barbaric prehistoric system of beliefs?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

"What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have A Dream"

"What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have A Dream"



Here in the Twin Cities we have some of the brightest and inspiring news the country has to offer. While taking in my daily dose of the liberal media last night I cam across a thought provoking news story that made me ask myself, "What if Martin Luther King Didn't Have a Dream?" This was the brilliant question posed by WCCO during the 10 o'clock news last night. I began to think, what if Martin Luther King didn't have a dream? Well of course black people would still be segregated into poor neighborhoods. They would still view themselves as victims. They would still be demanding reparations for their slavery days. They would still believe everybody owes them something because of the color of their skin. They would still be a counterproductive culture that praises violence, joblessness, single parent families, a soaring drop out rate, and a redneck ideology that harkens back to the fringe areas of the Scottish Highlands. (Read; Black Rednecks and White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell for further explanation)

But wait! Do not get me wrong, Martin Luther King was a great man. He risked his life to speak out against injustice and racial bigotry. He opened the doors for opportunities that didn't exist. He was beacon of truth in a racially divided country. But let us face the facts, Martin Luther King did not bring racial harmony to the black community. Martin Luther's message has been hijacked by racist demagogues i.e Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jena 6, etc. Martin Luther King preached individualism and personal strength. He would have been ashamed of people like Sharpton and his apostles.

The Marxism that has penetrated the celebrations of Martin Luther King has also seen the elimination of Washington and Lincoln's holidays (now called "President's Day"). But strangely only one man's name now appears as a national holiday. How did this happen? How could the names of the man who led the continental army against the British and founded our nation and the man who freed the slaves be eliminated from national days of memory? Who did this? None other than the socialist race hustlers of America. These people are the true racists crying racism at any opportunity they can get. These are the people that say race is not an issue but bring it up time and time again. These are the people who force diversity down our throats and tell us we must act a certain way around minorities as to not offend them. After all, minorities need special treatment and we must tip toe around anything that has to do with race. These are the people that give special treatment to minorities because they cannot make it without the help of white liberals. These are the same people that say the culture in which we are brought up has nothing do with how we behave. These are the people that say blacks must vote for Obama because he is black. These are the same people that choose to value someone on the basis of their skin and NOT on the content of their character. These are the same people that have bred a culture of brainless tolerance that is too scared to confront someone of color out because of fear and legal retribution.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

U.K chooses Appeasement over Security

Government renames Islamic terrorism as 'anti-Islamic activity' to woo Muslims

U.K to Become Islamic State


I will not go into great depths in regards to this recent Dailymail article. I believe it is pretty much self-explanatory. The increasing level of political correctness in the West, especially here in the U.S and the U.K is appalling. Bureaucrats and public officials have become so afraid of offending anyone that they have chosen to appease our enemies rather than confront the evil that is inherent in Islam fundamentalism.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Smoking Gestapo Bust Real Estate Office!


First smoking fine goes to real estate office, 56 others warned!

Welcome to the Real Fascist Police State!

Smokers beware, the Gestapo are out in full force. They will invade your private property looking for any violation of the state wide smoking ban and then proceed to indoctrinate you on the evils of smoking.

Says on SS leader, "We're not out there strolling the streets looking for violations of the law. We are responding to public concerns or complaints when we do receive them," he said.

Apparently this re-education of smokers seems to be working. The real-estate office manager is quoted as saying, "We will definitely think twice before lighting up!"

Just like Nazi Germany, friends are now turning their own friends in for violations against the State. Co-workers at Edina Reality did not want to do the honorable thing and tell them to smoke else where, they turned to the government for help. After all, the State knows all and we must trust them with our lives and freedoms. Never-mind that there has NEVER been any authoritative study linking second hand smoke to ANY health alignments.

I will not get into the specifics of the smoking bans that are popping up around the country. You all probably know where I stand on this issue.

What makes me angry is that while liberals cry about "lack transportation" our tax payer dollars are now being used to watch smokers and fine them petty amounts of cash. Where is the ACLU in all of this. Answer: they would rather use their time to determine whether or not it is constitutional to have sex in a public restroom.

Where is the liberal cry of "big brother is watching us"? Liberals are always quick to pin the Nazi label on the right, but let us not forget it was the Nazi's who went after smokers in Germany and completely outlawed the act during the short life of the Third Reich.

This article from the Star and Sickle also mentions the fact that Casinos on Indian-owned land are exempt from the smoking ban. Well of course they are, they are one of the biggest contributors to the DFL.

A word of advice for smokers; dig a hole in your back yard, build a atomic bomb like structure and proceed to smoke your lungs away! This will be the only way you will be able to avoid those pesky smoking police and fellow citizens willing to sacrifice friendship for the State.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snow falls for first time in Baghdad-proof of global warming!


Snow has fallen in Baghdad Iraq and temps dipped below 30 for the first time in 100 years! Global Warming Alarmists cry proof of global warming!

Monday, January 7, 2008


I personally have to say that I hate Islam. Not the people sickened by this maddening virulent ideology but the luciferian dichotomy of its inverted presumptions. I am tired of these Medevil, Anti-Christs and when they behead me I will be glad to be off this planet which is becoming so darkened by that Arabic madness. All those taken in by koranic verses and their preconception that bloodshed and slaughter appease some god are already consigned to the insanity of hell even before being formally sentenced by their true and real God Almighty. Take your backwards 7th century document and shove it.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Iowa Caucus' Represent Elitist 19th Century Politics

The time has come for the Iowa Caucus'. The media is in a frenzy and releasing poll after poll showing Clinton leading over Obama, the Republican Jimmy Carter leading Romney, and vise versa. But will all this matter is a race that is neck and neck. Only 2 presidents in the history of the Iowa Caucus' have eventually gone on to win the presidency; Jimmy Carter, and George H.W Bush. The Iowa Caucus and all other caucus' are outdated and elitist.

The Caucus system represents a 18th and 19th century political system. Can anyone honestly believe that a bunch of overfed corn farmers in Iowa will determine the next president? Or a bunch of drunk tax evaders in New Hampshire? In this age of the Internet why do we still operate under this prehistoric system? Why do we not have an online poll for the primary elections? Or why do we not set up polling booths for an online election? Does the rest of the country not matter? Is Iowa and New Hampshire really representative of the demographic of America? I mean where is the outcry from the ACLU and the champagne Liberals? Iowa's demographic is 92% white. New Hampshire's 96%. Does this truly represent America? Come on! Where is the liberal outcry of equality and social justice?